Hypefactors is software for earned media professionals:

Tech for better media impact

Unlock the business potential of PR
What’s the financial value of your PR? Get the facts now
All PR data crunched and ready to be presented
Global media monitoring
Including social monitoring (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…)
Coverage reports are made in seconds
Discover and connect with media influencers
Build relationships with important journalists and bloggers
KPI-section connects PR with business strategy
Distribute your news stories
Get a beautiful online Newsroom
Manage all your social media accounts
Hypefactors is a unified PR software platform
Data, analytics, technology and tools combined in a unified and easy-to-use experience
It’s all in. And it’s all integrated
Works across markets, brands and activities
Save time, reduce cost, improve the PR performance
Financial valuation for all kinds of ‘Earned Media’ coverage
Unlock the business potential of PR
What’s the financial value of your PR? Get the facts now
All PR data crunched and ready to present
Global media monitoring
Including social monitoring (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…)
Coverage reports are made in seconds
Discover and connect with media influencers
Build relationships with important journalists and bloggers
KPI section connects PR with business strategy
Distribute your news stories
Get a beautiful online Newsroom
Manage all your social media accounts
Hypefactors is a unified PR software platform
Data, analytics, technology and tools combined in a unified and easy-to-use experience
It’s all in. And it’s all integrated
Works across markets, brands and activities
Save time, reduce cost, improve the PR performance
Financial valuation for all kinds of ‘Earned Media’ coverage
Unlock the business potential of PR
What’s the financial value of your PR? Get the facts now
All PR data crunched and ready to present
Global media monitoring
Including social monitoring (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…)
Coverage reports are made in seconds
Discover and connect with media influencers
Build relationships with important journalists and bloggers
KPI section connects PR with business strategy
Distribute your news stories
Get a beautiful online Newsroom
Manage all your social media accounts
Hypefactors is a unified PR software platform
Data, analytics, technology and tools combined in a unified and easy-to-use experience
It’s all in. And it’s all integrated
Works across markets, brands and activities
Save time, reduce cost, improve the PR performance
Financial valuation for all kinds of ‘Earned Media’ coverage

“Hypefactors gives us a daily overview of our press coverage. Especially, the daily mail is a great tool to get a quick update on what is going on in the online and offline spheres”

Nanna Skytte Hansen

Dinesen + Hypefactors

“We must document the effect of our PR and communications efforts as accurately as possible. That is why our team uses Hypefactors”

Lars Belling, CEO, Moët Hennessy Nordic

Moët Hennessy + Hypefactors

Web media


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Forums (incl. Reddit)


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Tweets per day



Posts per day



Pages per day

About Hypefactors

Hypefactors is a Copenhagen-based technology company. We provide tech for better media impact with all the tools to automate and ease the work and all the facts to document the results. All-in-one and beautifully simple.