Gratis medieovervågning

Indtast et søgeord for at starte overvågningen

Trusted by +10,000 world-class brands

Global medi​eovervågning​

Medieovervågning har aldrig været lettere. ​Selv om det er a​va​nceret ​’Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) der driver vores moderne nyheds​​medieovervågning, er​ det​ uhyre nemt at ​sætte en overvågning ​i gang​. Vil du gerne overvåge ​omtaler​ ​af​ e​n​ ​virksomhed​, ​omtaler af ​et ​brand​, ​omtaler af​ et produkt eller måske ​omtaler af ​konkurrenter? Intet problem. Hvis du også vil overvåge Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram og ​såkaldte anmeldelses-sites, kan du altid tilpasse din løsning ​og inkludere disse kanaler i dine resultater.

Hypefactors monitors the web
Hypefactors monitors facebook
Hypefactors monitors twitter
Hypefactors monitors instagram
Hypefactors monitors print media
Hypefactors monitors youtube

Easily set up multiple
media monitoring streams

Monitor your brand
Analyse coverage and get notified when people and media talk about you in real-time.

Monitor your competitors
Watch what they are doing and follow their media strategy.

Monitor your products
Set up refined streams for your sub-brands and products.

Bliv den første der ved besked

Med Hypefactors vil du altid være den første der ved besked. Vores app til mobiltelefonen gør overvågningen praktisk, når du er på farten. Det er ganske enkelt bare at downloade den gratis app til iOS eller Android og gå i gang.

Download Hypefactors app on Android
Download Hypefactors app on iOS

Take it to the next level

Custom Reporting
You can create reports from parameters like brands, markets, time periods, activities, and media categories.

Find journalists and influencers
Hypefactors map, monitor and rank media contacts on a global scale. Easily create media lists and connect.

Calculate the financial value
Measure the effect of your earned media, including reach and financial value. All powered by artificial intelligence.

Distribute content
Use your Newsroom to help automatically and efficiently distribute announcements, news and stories.

What our customers say about us

Moët Hennessy

“We wish to know the effect of our PR work as accurately as possible. That is why our team uses Hypefactors.”

Lars Belling, CEO, Moët Hennessy Nordic

The Prism Group

“The best tool I have used and the tool that I would recommend is Hypefactors.”

Julissa Nova, President The Prism Group, USA

Get started and see what people 
are saying about you online